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Affichage des articles du novembre, 2018

Red Bull kicks ass sport events

RED BULL which known as its effectively function of refreshing basically has became the one of biggest sport events sponsor in world-wide. Actually, the number of events which sponsor by Red Bull have exceeded more than 1600. To go along with this image they have a series of ridiculous events they put on every year. There are 2 things to think about here… 1. The competitors in these events are living the dream! Who grows up and dreams of racing planes or flying down a mountain side on their bike as a career? These guys simply loved something and went after it! 2. Remember that being an entrepreneur requires long hours and tons of hustle, but you should be doing it for the lifestyle. Make some time to head out to these free events or enter some of them and make some memories! 1. Red Bull Levels The unique adventure in Sri lanka. On February 21, 2016, Red Bull Levels returns to Sri Lanka to unleash the hidden talents and unknown potential of these two native superp...

Who are you in the customer's mind ?

Do you know exactly what is sport drink? Are you capable of telling the differences between “sports drink" and “energy drink"? When the market is becoming saturated with various types of energy drinks, sports drink seems to open a new potential market segment with a new kind of beverage that helps to supplement minerals and water lost when doing physical activities. It sounds healthier, less harmful for health than energy drink, which has a bad reputation of making your brain strong temporarily and then destroying it by sugar and caffeine. Though receiving less negative feedback from users, sports drink have not been rightly evaluated yet. Why do people cannot differ “energy drink” and “sport drink"? (Source: pinterest) Positioning Being developed in 1970s as a source of “hydration” and “carbohydrate replacement" for athletes, “sport drink” was positioned in customer's mind as a source of energy supplementary for people who are doi...

My experience with Powerade

It is great to write about sport drinks but it is even greater to write about sport drinks after drinking one. As stated by Powerade : "to avoid dehydration and get the most out of yourself and out of your sports drink, you should drink before, during, and after sport." So, that is what I did. Before getting to the gym, I tested my Powerade Cherry at home. First impression: it is artificial, I hate the taste. My first reflex was to drink a full glass of water right after. But I was really intrigued so I went to the gym with my bottle in my bag. Once at the gym, I get on the treadmill and start running with my Powerade in front of me. I strived to drink the half bottle during my 40 minutes running. It may have been psychological, but I felt powerfull, like if my body was more than ready to run like a champion. I have to admit that I felt under pressure with people around me. I was saying to myself "Ok Lucie, stay focused, you have a bottle of Powerade in fr...

Red Bull: The ubiquitous energy drink brand

Global brand RED BULL have great strategy in advertising activation with a positive influence in past decadess. source: Did you know the global brand RED BULL?  Yup,who don't konw RED BULL does such an amazing global company which not only contributes to traditional manufacturing energy drink ,but also has rapidly became an amazing global advertising brand in past 3 decades. expect manufacturing energy drink, Red Bull isn’t just an energy drink. They also have a hand in professional sports (soccer, hockey, extreme sports), sponsorship, music, and other media. The Red Bull brand is everywhere. What drives RED BULL to a such successful advertiser? Do you remember a picture about spaceman who stand in front of  space station, face to the earth, as well as wearing space suit with RED BULL logo? Over the years, Red Bull have tailored their marketing and sponsorship strategy that has allowed ...

Target Consumer Of Sport drinks

According to ACNielsen's data analysis, sport drinks companies define the target consumer population mainly in the 15-34 age group, which accounts for 63.9% of the total population, especially for consumers aged 25-34. The higher the attention given is. More importantly, most of its consumers are characterized by mental work: mental workers account for 70% of the total proportion, and manual workers only account for 29.3%. As a result, companies typically focus their marketing efforts on professionals and students. Especially for the professionals, it is the most valuable consumer group for the enterprise, and it must also be the consumer group of the high-end brand. At the same time, although the words “sports people” often appear in the description of the target consumers, the positioning is too broad and they have not become the main consumers of functional beverages. On the contrary, because some enterprises have explicitly proposed the “replenishment of water” after...